Homeschool Request
Well J1 survived the first & second day of Kindergarten : )
This morning was tough because he did not want to go back. He came into my bathroom this morning, sat down on the edge of the tub & requested that I homeschool him for the day.
I just love this boy!!! He was agitated, anxious & not at all happy that I was not meeting his emotional level over the situation. After attempting to discuss why he was not wanting to go back to school. I put it in terms of know terms such as,
"let's give school one more try" or "it takes a few practices to feel comfortable with a new team right". He looked very intently at me after I said these "coach terms" & in his little 6 yr. old boy vocals said, "well practice with a new team is only an hour or so not all day mom!".
Ok I got it, the light bulb went on at that point. So I then advised I would pick him up early...2:30p after brother was finished w/his assessment. Now it was only 25 mins. early, however getting to leave school early is special no matter what time ; )
He was very upbeat after school & said he liked it today. He didn't tell me many stories, however when talking to daddy tonight he told him all about music class. Yea! Little glimpses into his world, they are great to hear. Dr. Dobson encourages doing activities with your boys to get them to communicate. Sometimes the thing boys need most is a big hug, open lap & an invitation to share what's on their minds.
Lord thank you for all the blessings you heap on our family. Our children are the olive shoots around our table. Father, help us to see/know what our children need to feel secure, loved, heard & most of all, to show them your love through our hearts. I am so sorry I failed you today in a few situations. I let my emotions get the better of me & I so want to move past these triggers with your help. Thank you for your mercy, your unfailing love, your great compassion to blot out our transgressions. Keep us focused on you, your will for our lives instead of this flesh that keeps screaming to be fed?! I'm claiming Isaiah 26:3 for Monday when J2 is off to school?! We love you Lord! In your son's precious name, amen.
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