Amazing Freedom

"So if the Son makes you free you will be truly free"
1 John 8:36
This was the theme of WOF Conf. '07.
My dear, sweet friend flew in for the weekend.
What an great time we had laughing & crying together.

The Lord, as always, had a personal word for each of the 10, 000 ladies.
How does He do that? He always amazes me.
So here are a few points dear friend & I could not stop talkin' bout.
May they bless YOU...
1. "For All That You Do" - worship song on the conf cd or Point of Grace cd
Go get it!!! Here are the lyrics:

Oh cleanser of the mess I’ve made
Upon the hill our places trade
Stretched on a cross Your body crushed
By human hands You formed from dust

How wonderful Your mercy is
How awesome are Your ways
I come, I come
To worship You
For all You’ve done

Oh cleanser of the mess I’ve made
Your boundless love for me portrayed
With patience for my learning curve
By holding back what I deserve


Oh cleanser of the mess I’ve made
With everything at Your feet laid
I watch as all my cares erode
And from my soul these words explode

If that ain't enough to pierce your heart I don't know what will!? Ok point 2...

You can't bury emotions dead, you bury them ALIVE. They will come back up on you. We are not designed to stuff, bury emotions. You can't deny emotion. They have done scientific studies on tears. Tears of joy run clear, tears of sorrow have toxins. We're made to clear the toxins. You can try to deny, bury, stuff, distract from your pain, but you will never heal. You must go THROUGH your pain. God will go through the pain with you see Psalm 23. He means freedom for each of us. No matter what you've done, what you've said, you can't out sin His love & forgiveness. Read Col 1:13-14 You choose if you want this kind of freedom. 1 John 1:9, Col 2:13

Point 3 "God says go out into this world & make disciples not, go out into this world & share your opinion." Ouch!!!

Point 4 "Just show up, shut up & let go!" Let go of Your will & see what He will do. Girls gotta get your verses in the inside. Trust Him, Bring up His Word & leave it to Him!

Shout out to all my gurls! God blesses us with these conferences to remind us He wonderfully made us to enjoy laughing & crying all at the same time.

I love you A!!! You are such a sweet, giving, caring friend & I don't know what I would do w/o ya : )


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