And then there were 4

It seems the suburb we live in is a petri dish. There is this nasty virus going around & we now have 4 babies w/the stomach virus I heard on the radio that our town ranks in the top ten nationally w/reported cases & our friend who runs the local Wal-Greens pharmacy says his store is #6 in the nation for scripts. We beat out NYC, Chicago, Dallas?!? With so many affected here are some ideas to combat the bug...

Norovirus is hardy. It can withstand freezing and heat up to 140 degrees, and it is very tough to eradicate, health experts say. Marc-Alain Widdowson of the CDC and other experts offer advice.

If caring for a sick person ...

Wear gloves and, if possible, a mask when cleaning up vomit and diarrhea, which are full of virus. Dispose of diapers or soiled cloths carefully.

Disinfect surfaces. Use a bleach-and-water solution (1 part bleach to 50 parts water is suitable for most areas, or 1 part bleach to 10 parts water for very contaminated areas) or a commercial product labeled for use on norovirus to wipe down everything that possibly could be contaminated, such as floors, bathtubs, toys, countertops.Keep in mind that vomit can spew the virus into the air and allow the virus to settle into small spaces.

Wash clothing and bed linens in hot water and soap, and dry in a hot dryer.

Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Alcohol-based hand gels are thought not to be effective against norovirus, although if used after soap-and-water washing, they might help.

Make sure sick people remain hydrated by taking small sips of water or other liquid. This can be difficult if there is frequent vomiting, but even a tablespoon of water every minute or so may be enough. Other options are ginger ale, juice or oral rehydration fluids (homemade or commercial products such as Pedialyte and Gatorade). At greatest risk of dehydration are the old, young and those with other illnesses.

Symptoms of norovirus infection include: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, headache, low fever, chills, muscle aches and tiredness. The illness often comes on suddenly 12-48 hours after ingestion of the virus. There is no vaccine against it, and no antiviral drug is effective. Antibiotics don't work against viruses.

If the symptoms last more than three days, or if there is high fever or blood in stool or vomit, it's unlikely to be norovirus. Call a doctor.

After recovery Virus remains in stool up to three weeks after recovery, so continue to wash hands frequently, especially after using the bathroom, to avoid infecting others.

Don't prepare food from the moment symptoms start until three days after your recovery. Even then, be especially careful to wash hands and clean surfaces.Toss any food that may have been contaminated by an ill person. Norovirus is easily spread in food and water.

Ok so I may not wear the mask & gloves, however I have gone through 1 can of Lysol & am working through my 2nd can. The bleach bottle is half gone & I'll gladly use it all if it will kill this nasty bug!!
One "strategy" that wasn't mentioned which we find very helpful here is prayer! J2 prayed w/his sister yesterday when she was laying there miserable & it was so sweet to see them holding hands together praying. Even through this junk there are blessings.
Oh & don't go to McD's w/the kiddos when there is a horrible virus going around your community.


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