Zoo Fun!

Here are pics from our spring fling at the zoo...

Checkin out tiger skins...

What goes thru his mind?!

Say "C H E E S E!"

Darn Shadows?!

Monkey Exhibit

Jilli's friend Camy & her mommy

Brushin Goats

And not too happy bout it?!



  1. Hi Jen! I got to your site through Dawn's. Your kids are so darn cute! Hannah misses her buddy Jillian, and I miss you! AND - I love this song!

  2. Hey Jen! I was checking out your blog tonight, and I can't believe how big the baby is now, has it been that long since I moved? (a year and a half already).
    Miss you guys! Miss Susan Rahe too!
    Not sure when I will ever get out there to visit, I got a job with the State, so I am working full time, and currently inteviewing with Sac City fire dept. as a fire fighter. Crazy how much life can change.
    Miss you miss you miss you!


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