Are Clean Clothes Really that Important?!


Clothes seem to multiply in my house if they are in the laundry room, dirty clothes hamper or on the floor waiting to be transported to one of the before mentioned places. I researched the "correct" way to do laundry & it seems everyone has a different answer. One may do all the laundry on one day or twice per week. If I do not get to one or two loads a day I am in deep, deep trouble. You are saying, "Duh, you have 4 kids!?" I say, "How can 4 kids under the age of 6 create that many dirty clothes in one day??!!" Princess Poopsi changes clothes like 3 times throughout the day. You're saying "Of course she does, she's a girl!" Well her bro's have her beat by like 3 outfits. Oh I know they are boys so they are not "outfits", you know what I mean ; ) I've made the rule of one outfit per day. It's not going so well. I don't want to wash sheets because it sets me back a day. How sad is that?! So this brings me to my point (I know you were wondering)...
What is dirty? Now I get the obvious signs, visible dirt, odor or the garment can walk by itself. What if you've worn it a couple of times & it doesn't have any of those "issues"? Is it ok to put back in the closet or drawer? My kids & hubby would say no, you must wash it. I say wear it till it can walk w/o stinkin'!!!
I think I might decorate the laundry room really girly w/a chandelier & all. According to Fly Lady I should bless my laundry room?! That just brings home the fact that I am blessed to have a laundry room ; ) The dryer just buzzed gotta go!


  1. LOL Seriously, I don't understand the laundry either!

    But, I'm going to do a tackle it Tuesday on my blog tomorrow. And, that is the area I'm going to work on - my laundry room. Really, it should be a blessing! And, at the moment it causes me grief because of all the pile up!

  2. CMO left the house with a dress on and no panties. I didn't discover it until she was flipping around the gym. I asked why in the world she didn't have panties and she informed me it was because I hadn't done laundry in three days.

    Refer to my profile...not super-mom.

  3. Okay, so you have the laundry monster at your house too, huh? I blogged about this last week. It really is a no-winning battle at my house. So I basically gave up! I get done what I can...we usually just dig out of clean baskets to find something to wear. Seriously, it is not worth all the stress it has potential to cause in my life -- and I am not super-mom either! Praise the Lord I don't have to be!!!!

    And I say if it is not dirty don't wash it! :)


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