These are my Peeps & This is How We Roll!

Thanks to my gfriends C, D, G & M for encouraging me to attend my High School Reunion! Calls started Thursday evening & my friend, Karla, talked me into attending. I wish I had fabulous pics to show you, however it didn't happen. We were too busy talking to take pics?! There was a photographer both nights so hopefully there will be a few good pics! I learned a few things over the weekend that I wanted to share...
  1. No matter how old you are, when you're with friends that you've known since elementary school you revert back to your school days. For instance, we arrive at the pre-party Friday night all the girls are upstairs putting on their make-up & doing hair & the boys are downstairs talking sports.
  2. Some things never change. Fashions come & go. Gas prices rise. People rarely change. Our class is really pretty. Seriously! Everyone looked fabulous & is doing well. Come on, you know what I'm talking about. When you go to your 20 yr. reunion you are not expecting everyone to have aged so well. Jenks 1988, I'm happy to say, have aged gracefully & are leading fruitful lives! Oh & Bambi, I have a biz card for you from my friend who does Gym equipment. He REALLY wanted me to give him your info, however I said I would just pass along his card ; )
  3. Lifelong friends can pick up right where they left off. I'm sad to say that I had not seen some of my girlfriends in a few years & it was like we had seen each other yesterday. It's comforting to have friendships that have seen good times, bad times, weddings, kids & still stand the test of time.
  4. And for the most important thing...80's music rocks!!!
So here(it's all I good get?!) are a few family pics.
I'm still digging up fun before & after pic's so check back soon!

All my K peep's...

Shop their store Chrome

D & E 's cool family...

Sexy Rexy's...

S & P's kiddos!

Fresh D's Fam...

See & you thought I was exaggerating the "pretty people" thing! ; )


  1. J, I'm so HAPPY you went to the reunion. I really didn't want you to regret later not going.

    Your friends ARE beautiful. You did not lie!

    I'm glad you had a good time. I hope some of the party pics turn out so we can see them! :)

  2. Yippie! Sounds like it was fun. Neat-o that one family has a hip cool clothes store.

    You have to email the equipment info to me since I never see you anymore :(

  3. aw that's really great Jen & its so nice that ya'll got to go & let your hair down! I'm so glad you got to see & ctach up w/all your old gfriends. I hope you can all stay connected! (& yes, your all very beautiful!!) :) LA
    ps. pla really was thankful that jl1 came to hang out... tyvm

  4. That is so awesome that you went to your reunion and had fun! It's always nice to see old friends. You guys deserved a break! Very nice pictures of your friends.


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