Check Out Lylah

Girls are you looking for a writer that will speak truth & give you new insight to your heart? Are you looking for a writer with a biblical perspective rather than a worldly one?
Well I have found a treasure in our bloggy world! Go & check out Lylah. Simply, she ROCKS!
A post caught my eye & from there I found post after post that spoke to my heart.

Here is a snippet from one of her posts...
Who is the un-centered woman? The un-centered woman is the one who tends to be driven by an internal mass of fear and assumptions. Her fear (founded or not) is often her mode of operandi in life.
She has fear of intimacy, fear of being known by others, fear of telling the truth about her self and fear of being honest with her failures.
These kinds of fears that frame her life will tend to cause her to sabotage her relationships because she’s afraid...

Now go check her out for yourself & let me know what you think ; )

"In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life" 1 Timothy 6:19


  1. I checked her out. Wow! She is truly a blessing to women. She puts it right out there.

    Thanks Jenn!

  2. Her blog is beautiful. Thank you for the heads up! I think I will visit her often too. Thanks again! :)

  3. I love her blog, it is amazing!!

    and yours too!!

  4. Hi. I'm visiting from Mrs Sidney's blog. Just came by for a visit. Love your blog layout.

    My kids don't start school until Sept 2, but I think I will hang on to your prayer until then!


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