I Would Like to Thank...

I received an award from my super friend Dawn! And she's not just "super" because she gave me an award ; ) So here goes my acceptance speech...

I would like to first thank God for putting Dawn in my life. Without her there would be less laughter, fun & good advice. I would also like to thank my sophomore writing teacher at state u who encouraged me to harness my creativity through real stories of my life events. I would like to thank my family & my peeps!! Without you I'd be sane nothing!!! Last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank my blog girls. You have been such a blessing, you ROCK!!!
Tonight I am nominating blogs that are close to my heart in different ways. One may touch my heart through encouraging advice or my stomach through great recipes. Another, through family & life stories or their creativity just blows me away! All of these blogs show real women striving to love the Lord, family, friends & others through their writing. Now THAT is encouraging.
It was hard choosing my nominees??!! There are a few blogs that are on my heart & are not listed below, thank YOU for touching my life as well ; )
I'm sure ya'll have favorites to honor too! So here's what you do:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs

(((DRUMROLL))) And the award goes to....


  1. OMGosh!!! You have brought me totally to tears tonight, tears of joy!!! I am so thankful to know that you have found some joy, comfort, love or just craziness from my blog:)
    And esp. cool how God brought us together! Bless You Girl!

    Signed, Preppy. FlipFlop w/pearl wearin' VEGGIE MOMMA!

    Now, as soon as I get in tomorrow from tennis, I will "complete my task"!!

    Thanks again and have a great evening :)

  2. I don't see anything -- you said you left me something.

  3. Oh I found it -- I'm so excited my first award. I'm so glad you love reading my blog and you find it interesting. Thank you so much for this award. I love chatting with all of you! Again Thanks and will chat later need to go post my award.

  4. Thanks Posh Sista! You are a bright ray of sunshine to all of us!
    I must admit, in the beginning I thought blogging would be such a huge part of my life merely because of the "journaling" and the memory making. Who knew that even more it would be the network of great girls and awesome friends that have made blogging so dear to my heart.
    Love ya!

    except for that dang "word verification" thing we have to do every time! UGH! (see below)

  5. hi! i just stumbled on your blog and i love it! congrats on your award!

    be sure to swing by the pink potpourri...we are hosting a My Favorite Things Swap and have giveaways every weekend!

  6. Oohh! Thank you! :)
    I am so touched.

    My family and I love reading your blog as well. I sooo love the uplift I got from your nomination!

    I am speachless. Thank you :)

  7. I forgot to send congrats to you on your award as well!


    Great job! You totally deserve it! Your blog is awesome!! Write on!!


  8. Congrats to you and...

    THANK YOU! You are soo sweet and I am so touched by your thoughtfulness. I will accept with pleasure! *sniff, sniff*

    Thank you, thank you!
    Love you siesta!

  9. Congrats and guess what... you won the Promom Couture shirts in the redraw! I'm going to e-mail you now!


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