360 Degree Palin Coverage

Cartoonist William C Warren captures the media
feeding frenzy on Governor Palin.
Didn't you just love the interview w/Chuck?
Can't wait for the interview w/ Katie?!
One thing Obama & McCain CAN agree on, neither wants Lohan's vote.


  1. Didn't see it! Didn't really caught anything on tv this weekend. Thanks for sharing -- Much Love

  2. The first picture doesn't show up for me, but I LOVE that second one! I saved it! It's so true.

    I didn't catch any news coverage this weekend. And, I probably won't watch the one with Katie. Gag me with a spoon! LOL

    I'll just count on you to let me know how it goes, mkay?

  3. Love it!!

    They are doing this bc they are afraid of her and what she brings to the table for voters..

  4. I don't want her vote either!

    Very cute!


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