Celebrating Chooki Monkey

We celebrated Chooki's 2nd bday w/her playgroup today. I can't believe we have been playing with this group for over a year now?! It is a great group of moms, girls & 1 boy! We are very blessed to have them in our lives. Here are some pics of our fun today. Our lil' Romeo, Ty, was not able to make it, we missed him so!!!


  1. Great pics! Playdates are very enlightening for me :) Thanks for the awesome note you posted on my blog! It made my morning!

  2. AWww... I LOVE our babies!! I can't believe they are all starting to turn 2!!

  3. Happy birthday cutie! She is adorable! It looks like she had such a good time!

  4. Happy Birthday!

    It is hard to believe she is 2. I still look at my baby every day and wonder how it went so fast (she's nearly 2 1/2) when I thought she'd NEVER get here! (I know you know what I mean - those awful weeks of bed rest were the longest time period of my life!)


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