I'm DONE!!!

I use the phrase, "I'm done!" too often w/my children. I have been in bed since about 3:30 Sunday w/a nasty virus. It's germ season & I can't wait till the first frost. I know all you scientists & doctor's will tell me germs are not killed by the first frost. I just feel better after that mile marker in the season. It kills all the pollen so my allergies get better. It kills many bugs that crawl in my home seeking warm shelter. So I digress, this is not why I'm writing today. I'm feeling much better & after laying in bed watching all the news shows I'm done!
I am sick to death of our liberal media ripping on McCain/Palin, mainly Palin as McCain is a war hero & off limits. When did the media get so biased? What happened to fair reporting?
Why didn't SNL do a spoof on Biden? Did you know in his interview w/Katie he said FDR went on TV & rallied America in the great depression?!? Are you kidding me? Biden doesn't know his presidential history?! The interview was so soft! Yet Katie hammered Palin & the media persecutes Palin because she didn't know McCain's 26 year voting history on regulation policies.
While Biden got questions on how do you FEEL about debating a woman?! Yes Palin's answer about Russia was strange. I just want to see an unbiased media pointing out each team's flaws instead of just one team member's flaws over & over. Obama called John McCain, Jim, during the debate. He said the U.S. had 57 states. We haven't heard ONE sound bite about these mix ups.
Then yesterday the bailout plan did not get the votes. The Democrats blame the Republicans. The Republicans blame the Democrats. Seriously, I'm DONE!!! This is such an obvious political set up my 7 year old could see through the "crud". They call a vote when they know there are not enough votes on the Democrat or Republican side. They call a vote right before a religious holiday where the house goes on holiday. They call a vote because they know it will get political replay for 3 days. They do not believe Americans know anything beyond what E News tells us our latest Hollywood Star thinks about Washington.
Girls (and any men readers I may have) it's time to get real! Two of my state's representatives voted yes even though their offices received over 400 phone calls saying vote NO! It's time to get involved, research & know how you want to vote. This is ridiculous. Washington politicians are overpaid, under worked and out of touch!!! They think we are dumb. I for one am over the whole thing. If you have any websites or information you can share please leave links in your comments. The one thing I do believe is DIVIDED WE FAIL! We have to be Americans, one nation under God, not a fighting/divided nation. That's what our enemy wants.


  1. I completely agree with you! It cracked me up when I heard about Biden's comment. I hate to tell him, but no one was watching ANY president on television in 1929. LOL

  2. That was great and well said! Thanks for sharing - much love --

  3. This is one reason why I haven't been watching the news lateley. The sad things is there are people who don't do research and they believe the media... so they will vote based on this stuff. I am annoyed and DONE, too!!

  4. You have to admit that SNL sketch was pretty funny? I kept thinking the same thing though...where the sketch on Grandpa Bidden?

    Thanks for the comment, enjoy your MEME-ing!

  5. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. How I long for our country to fit that description. But sadly, it doesn't and it really breaks my heart. Things like this annoy me too. But you are right, we can't give up!

  6. We are listening and AGREE girlie!
    I have to get off the floor and quit flailing my legs and arms in a hissy-fit several times a day if I watch any thing...so I keep it off unless I know there is a particular thing I need/want to see...
    If it makes you feel any better - you are so not alone!


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