Tackle It Tuesday

For Chooki's B-day I was inspired by my dear friend, Shell.
She made a bib for my first princesses bday & it was ADORABLE.
(See pic above)
So here is my project.
Not as good as the inspiration, however I liked it ; )




  1. Okay, that is so cute!!! Are you going to make one for all the babies in the playgroup or are we going to have to tackle them ourselves?? LOL

    I'm very impressed with you Miss Jen!

  2. That is really cute and what a great idea! Love it!!

  3. I love love love them. I would of never thought of something like that. So cute and she looks like she is enjoying that cake. Tell little one happy birthday!

  4. Hey there! I came over from BATW. I was checking out my OKLAHOMA buddies :) That bib is toooo cute!

  5. I think it's just precious & you did a great job!!!

  6. You seriously need to make and sell those!!! Can I have one for myself that says "29"?!

  7. I am SO totally impressed, friend! You go girl and Happy B-day to her!

  8. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? I Love it to much I want one with a big-fat 34 on it for my next birthday!!!!
    That is seriously one of the cutest things I've seen in a long time.


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