We Are Under Attack!

It seems my family is under an attack!
I'm trying to muster enough strength to fight them off.
They are just too strong!!! Who is "they" you ask?
It seems all these viruses are going around. They are picking on our family I tell ya!
My kids & I are washing our hands so much they are cracking.
I've gone through so much Clorox wipes & Lysol that I don't even feel guilty
about the impact on our environment if it will kill these germs.

Share your best tips to beat these germs at their own game.
Oh & if you see me
out looking like this you know why ; )


  1. Aww girlie... I'm sorry you all aren't feeling well.

    If you are stuffy there is a new nasal spray made by sudafed. It works wonderfully!!

    Also, a Neti Pot is great.

    Use the saline with the little ones. Your older one can probably do the nasal pot too. Worth a try!

    Praying for your family.

  2. Argh! I know, we can't stay well. I saw we take a day and hose down the nursery before all the mommies go insane!

  3. i am so sorry. you guys have had a tough stretch. i will be lifting you up to the Father today. My little Max is under the weather today. Love you girl


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