We Got the Pox

It's official, our pediatrician confirmed this morning that our little Ju Ju B has the Chickenpox?!?

I was thrilled to learn that Chickenpox is very contagious from about 2 days before the rash appears and lasts until all the blisters are crusted over. A child with Chickenpox should be kept out of school until all blisters have dried, usually about 1 week.

Most kids with a sibling who's been infected will get it as well, showing symptoms about 2 weeks after the first child does. TWO WEEKS?!? Multiply that by 3 kiddos...AAAHHHH!!! Well my only hope is that they all get it this week : )

Now tell me again why we immunize for Chickenpox?!


  1. I am sorry to hear the pox has hit your house.

    I pray everyone gets well soon.

  2. oh my I am so sorry.

  3. Sorry your little one has the pox. I hope it is a mild case for her and any of the rest that come down with it. I will be praying that it passes quickly for you all.

  4. Oh, good grief!! Who would have thought?!?

    I hope everyone is okay. Let me know if you need ANYTHING!!! I can bring food, movies, whatever!!

    Hugs girlfriend!

  5. My son got the pox when he was 6 months old!! The first one came on Christmas Eve. My daughter, however, never got them. I'm tempted to send her to your house and have her lick your kids! It'd be nice to have them over with!! Ha!

  6. I'm so sorry he's got chicken pox and hope he feels better very soon!

  7. Girl say it isn't so...Did he have the shot and still get it? I am so sorry to hear about this. Keep us posted on the rest of crew. xoxo

  8. OK, call me crazy, but can we come play? We've not been vaccinated, and I would actually like the kiddos to get it while they're little. E-mail me! :-)

  9. Ah yes, I remember those days. Oldest two had them at the same time over Christmas break. High fever, pox in everyplace you could imagine. Had to enter doctors office through the back door so as not to come in contact with anyone. No vaccinations for them back then so hopefully your little ones will have a much lighter case and get it all over in a short time.

  10. Oh no!!

    Prayers for a quick recovery!!

    (((HUGS))) mom!

  11. That is no fun! Hannah had them so bad she has scars from them today. Because of that, Martha did get the vaccination so I'm hoping she's clear. Yes, it is good to get them over young but just pray for a light case. Let me know if there is anything I can do!

  12. I could be wrong, but I think we vaccinate them just to keep them from getting too bad a case so that it's not deadly - not to keep them from ever getting it. And if all 4 of them get it, well God help you! I cannot imagine what that would be like. But on the bright side, once you get them you're not supposed to be able to get them again if you're ever re-exposed to it. I'll be praying for ALL of you!


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