Make Pink Lemonade!

"When life hands you lemons make pink lemonade!" -anonymous
My blog buddy Straight Shooter gave me some blog love with a Lemon Award. I thought her post was inspiring, thoughtful & funny all at the same time.

With this award comes the request to make proverbial "lemonade" from challenges in 2008. It seems life handed me a few "lemons" last year. As Straight Shooter confessed, when the lemon hits me I tend to whine, cry, throw a lil' tantrum. Then I get it together, take the lemon to my Father & He is the one who reveals the sweet, pink lemonade : )
Here is some sweet, tasty, cool & oh so pink "lemonade" from 2008:

The thing you fear most is what God uses to bless your socks off!
Delaying decisions only delays the blessing.
The truth is always revealed & the truth sets you FREE!
Love is an action verb.
New friendships come from the most unlikely places.
The fruits of our labor are really, really sweet!

Thanks to Straight Shooter for making me document a few things I learned from 2008 in a positive way! One thing I recently heard is that joy is keeping Jesus the focus during the storm.
Joy comes from the Greek word Chairo (v) to be well, to thrive and Chara (n) gladness, the occasion of joy, the joy received from someone. The joy of the Lord is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22) intended for sharing. Pouring out joy imparts joy. Ever notice how difficult it is to be down when in the presence of God’s joy that pours through someone else? “You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.” ~Psalm 4:7
Oh to be lemonade, a joy, in someones life in 2009!

Thanks to my blog girls who fill my heart with pink lemonade : )


  1. This is confirmation. Our bible study was about this exactly!

  2. I just KNEW you really were a professional lemonade maker!

  3. Beautifully said! Congrats on your award. Love ya! xoxo

  4. What a great post!! Thank you for sharing. I love all teh verses about the fruits of the spirit!!

    Blessings and Love,

  5. Congratulations! I love the way you stated everything.

  6. Great post!

    I got this award recently and totally forgot to post it! Aye!


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