Four Foundational Things

While on the retreat this weekend I had many a moments to pow-wow with my Maker. It was a good time! I am very blessed to be able to serve alongside awesome women.

Here are some of my favorite lessons from the weekend:
  • God wants to take this broken down Jesus girl to the next high place!
  • Do you want the fullness God has for you? This means you have to grow up.
  • Are you waiting around in your brokenness? Have hope! God comes into your brokenness & tenderly calls you to the dance.
Four Foundational Things:
  1. Choose God - more than anything, from moment to moment
  2. Choose to Stop the Chaos - All the "junk" has to go so He can do the work He needs to do
  3. Commit to Remain in the Community - connected to believers - they are fallible & goofy & they will hurt you but keep showing up! You get healed, you grow up in your faith.
  4. Choose to Restore Order - to your physical body & house
May you have eyes to see God working in your life today!


  1. I love hearing about what others are learning. Nos. 2&3 hit home for me on your list. They relate to some things God is doing in my own heart right now. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Okay, that was really good. A few of those really spoke to me.

    I'm glad you had a good time even though you had some strongholds to overcome.

  3. thanks for sharing. good stuff. i hope your household is on the mend. loved reading your retreat notes!!

  4. Thank you for sharing! I am glad you had such a wonderful time. Your points really got to me today and it is helping so much.

  5. That was so good. I really am glad you had a good time. Even though it would have been difficult.
    I have given you an award. Come check it out at my blog. Also..I just added myself as a follower on your blog. I though I did that loooong ago! Crazy!!! :)

  6. OMGOSH!!! Angela Thomas was at my church last weekend!! When I saw the Broken Down Jesus Girl comment I LOL'd!!!

    Very entertaining!!! She had me rolling...I need to post my pics to my blog, glad you mentioned it!

    Have a blessed weekend Friend!


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