Home is Where the Heart Is

We moved back to my home state in January 2005 & moved into our new home March 2005.
I began claiming Psalm 128 over our family/home. I was reminded of this the other day while flipping through Psalms. I saw a note out beside Psalm 128 reading, "Claiming for Chestnut Farms". I smiled as I thought we would be seeing our grandchildren in this house.

Spring 2005
We are now selling this home. We need to downsize. My husband's current business has declined due to the economy. We have been making changes over the past year & this is just another step in that plan. We are "debt free" except for one vehicle & our home. It is time to let it go. I say that because for the last few months I have been "white knuckling" it, not wanting to let go. I was caught up in my dream, perceptions & wordly economics. Some think we are crazy, others talk about us & some offer truth/love in their words. Here's all I can tell you, once I released this house & said, "ok", it's been so freeing!

Kiddos trying to get a glimpse of big brother getting in trouble through the office doors...
Within half day of listing our house we had lots of interest. We believe our home will sell & we see how God is working in our lives. We have a few choices of where to move & are praying that God show us where He wants us. I heard a prayer yesterday & the words have been ringing in my ears, "You do the "what" & let God worry about the "how"!" Psalm 27:13-14, 2 Peter 2:9 & Psalm 103:14
I am excited to see where our new journey takes us! There is a new business venture on the horizon & our friends have been so encouraging. We are so very blessed & we realize that everything we have is not ours anyway. Of course this truth took a little longer for me to grasp & some days I forget, but I have encouragers who never let me forget LOL!!!

My favorite feature of the house, the kitchen fireplace...
So this brings me to "Home is Where the Heart Is"...
my refuge is not in this physical structure that I currently call home Psalm 61 and I do not fear harm as He is with us Zephaniah 3:14-17! A wise woman during prayer led me to Psalm 131 which expresses an open hand posture, not holding things so tightly in my hands. I'm learning to let go of the things I can't control. ((Deep Groan)) Notice I said learning?!
Happy Memories w/friends Summer 2008 on the back porch

I'm looking forward to making many more happy memories wherever our journey takes us!!


  1. Wow - such a hard lesson. You know, the Prince of Peace is the Ruler of your life. That's a pretty powerful thing :)

  2. I think you will have MUCH less stress when you move - for many reasons!!!! =)

    I'm still your big cheerleader NO MATTER what you do! =)

  3. Praying for you as you embark on these new changes! You have an amazing attitude!!
    PS Come be my neighbor!!

  4. I know that was a tough one for you Jen, I will be praying for you and your family, knowing He has a plan for you guys... excited to see Him working in your life.

  5. Hey, I found you off of Melissa Carlson's blog. I know it must be hard to move! I will be praying for you!

  6. So sorry you are having this struggle. I will pray for you to get through this easier. I wish there was more I could do but you do have wonderful friends up where you live that I am sure are being wonderful support. If you ever decide to move to Southern California I will be here to help you out my friend. :) Good luck and I will be praying for you and your family.

  7. Home is where the heart it as i agree wants you to come home home each time.


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