Facebook Fauxpas Part Deux

Do you remember when you signed up for your Facebook account? Did you know it was going to become something that drove your newscasts, business marketing or replace emailing? How many times per month, per week, per day do you check in with Facebook? Well much like anything in our lives Facebook does not come with a license. My friend "Dawn" (who may or may not be a real life or Facebook friend) and I
 have decided some folks need their Facebook License revoked!

As part of obtaining your new, shiny Facebook account you should have to take a test. Check back soon for the Facebook License Test.
So back to Facebook Fauxpas Part Deux. Following the list from the last post. Here are a few more tips for Facebook that I compiled from various on-line sources. These are tips that we all should follow :
A little mystery goes a long way - my Grandmother taught me this fact early in life. We would be wise to apply our Grandmother's wisdom to social networking.
Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you - if you wouldn't want your friend to post an unflattering pic of you don't post a less than flattering photo of your friend. If you don't want a friend to post their snarky, negative opinion on your status update don't post your snarky, negative opinion on their status update. It's really that simple.
Avoid e-misunderstandings- You'd have thought that after 10 years or more of communicating with each other online, we'd have figured out sending simple messages without conveying the opposite of what we intend. An ill-judged photo comments such as, "Haha, you look hawt, LOL!", while possibly intended as heartfelt, comes across as sarcastic. If you feel the need to post your opinion on your friend's status about how she wouldn't be caught dead green stripes shirts and your favorite thing to wear is green stripes shirts STOP. Count to ten. Step away from the keyboard and come back when you have cooled off a bit.
Beware of CooCoo's - No group of people are as eager to seize the chance to relentlessly pester people as CooCoo's.  Look out for CooCoo who will post every life event, "Just woke up, I'm now jumping in the shower, Hey I'm eating lunch, and I'm so desperate for attention I want you to know about me all the time". These people are attention seekers and will do anything to get it. There will be news of each hourly event, details of boring daily tasks, links to a new pic of themselves every hour, and posts on your wall over and over. A sure sign of a CooCoo is obnoxiously opinionated or always offended. There is no balance. Refuse the friendship of anyone with CooCoo tendencies. Trust me. It never ends well.
Leave me alone!-  Coping with the deluge of virtual social interaction relies on turning off these forms of communication as much as possible and deleting some social networking friends. 
Yes, they might take offense, but don't worry its better for all involved. And if you get defriended – don't be disheartened. It's nothing personal. People can de-friend for all sorts of reasons. They may just become sick of being messaged, poked, invited and flirted with by others, not you. Or it could be that they just don't like you very much. Again - don't be disheartened, it's for the best. This could be saving you days of heartache.
Try to wait 24 hours before accepting a friend request, so you can think it over. It might be better not to respond at all to a friend request. You can leave it out there in cyberland for as long as you need. Then nonchalantly reject their request. They'll cope. It's only social networking, after all. If they don't get over it, then they have proved CooCoo and you can refer to the paragraph above.

In researching my post I found this site Facebook Drama. I will be visiting often. They make me laugh.
I also found this post on Facebook Privacy 101 it's from a site AllFacebook. Go check it out.
If you are a blogger please read my dear blog friend of 3 years, Facebook friend of two years and my friend whom I've never met in real life, but if we did, we'd be besties! Her blog,   Flip Flops and Pearls post about Blog Etiquette is a must read for bloggers.
My best and last advice: It's not about YOU so laugh often. If you find yourself thinking every status update is written directly to you or about you, seek immediate help. Use your three life lines: phone a friend, ask the audience (which should be a counselor) and 50/50. If those don't work please know that Facebook is social media. Those two words put together tell you it's not to be taken seriously. 
If you haven't laughed once during this post then you need to see the "seriously" paragraph, you may be a germ bag, from Fauxpas Post Uno.

“Social media should improve your life, not become your life!” 
- Patrick Driessen, Consultant and Executive Coach
"The successful networkers I know, the ones receiving tons of referrals and feeling truly happy about themselves, continually put the other person's needs ahead of their own."
-Bob Burq


  1. Yep, yep, yep, I agree!

    I'm just amazed at how rude people can be. Those that put others down or make others feel badly should absolutely have their facebook license revoked. Since I can't be the one to revoke it, I just drop them. I don't like to be hurt or have my friends be hurt.

    I also don't like the play-by-plays of the day. I know when I first started using FB I did a little of that. Now I think to myself, Will this really even matter to anyone, anyone at all?!?!

    Facebook should be fun. PERIOD!

  2. THANK YOU for posting this! Love it!!!!! So many people need to read this! I'll be linking you in this post to my page soon! I have to do wome work since I'm at work, then I'll get to blogging! lol! Have a happy thursday! =)


  3. I wish I had this advice 2 years ago when I signed up with FB!

    Waiting 24 hours to befriend somebody is damn good advice!

  4. Great tips! I especially try not to post unflattering pics or at least I don't tag people if it might be -I hate when I have to un-tag myself if it's unflattering - I'm kinda torn on people posting old pics and tagging them -I guess for the most part I like it ok -seeing as how it was my skinnier self -even if it was 10 years ago =P Well,anyway I'm off to read your part 1..

  5. Good thing I'm so perfect I would never make these mistakes...

  6. I'm a little anti-facebook these days and I frequently delete people that give me an hour-by-hour status update. And then they request me again. GET THE HINT PEOPLE.


    Good post. I'm hopping over to see your flip flop friend.


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