Oprah's Last Show

I can't claim to be a huge Oprah fan. Ten years ago I was a huge fan. I taped her show - yes I said taped - it was a long, long time ago. I had a subscription to her magazine. As my life changed, with marriage & children, Oprah did not provide a lot of value to my life. I found more value in my Bible Studies & Parent magazine.
I only watched her show if someone told me I should check it out or her advertising caught me eye.
I did however tune in for her last show. I really enjoyed it. Here are some things I drew from her last Oprah Show...

You are responsible for your life. Jerry McGuire was just a movie.
Hello. Love this one. So many times I place unfair, unrealistic expectations on my husband or my father. God is the only one to rescue us, however we have a responsibility in that rescue. 

Not feeling worthy will block out our blessings. You are worthy.
This is what I've been saying for so long. All these actions by mean people are from a place of fear. Fear of not being worthy. Worthy of what I don't know. I know where my feelings of unworthiness come from but that is another blog post. The Bible tells us we are all worthy no matter what. It's up to us to believe it.

Everyone wants to be heard.
Basic life principle. Good one for any relationship. Your marriage, your children, your friends.

God is love. God is life. God speaks in whispers. Pay attention.
Love. Love. Love. So true. 

Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space.
Think I will post this everywhere. Have you ever thought about the energy you bring to a place, relationship, group or event?

To God be the Glory.

How about you? Did you watch Oprah's last show? What did you take away from the show?
She based every bit of her life values from Biblical principles. I found that most interesting & encouraging.


  1. I did watch the last few shows and loved the last one so much! I have watched her off and on over the years. I am glad she spoke so much of God in her last show. I know she's always said she is more spiritual than religious, and so I've never really known where she stood. I still have the last show recorded. I actually plan to watch it and write some stuff down. I think what she said about us being responsible for our own selves, don't look to anyone else to fix us or complete us....that was the best part.

    Something I took from one of her last shows was with Maya Angelou. Maya said, and it was one of Oprah's favorite lessons.....when a child walks into the room, your face should light up. Let that child know how important they are EVERY time you see them. Children need that. I love it!


  2. She did grow up in the church. I think for the sake of her audiences she tried using inclusive language that conservative Christians gave her a hard time for. I always felt like she wanted us to understand things she didn't feel like she could say. And in her last few shows she said them. And I was so glad that she ended that way. She has been an inspirational figure to so many including me.

    I loved all the quotes you mentioned. And the one about taking responsibility for the energy I bring into a space really lit a fire in me.

  3. I found Oprah's shows to be warmed-over stew. But I've got to stand back awe at her savvy as a marketeer!

  4. I used to like her. I haven't liked her for years. So, NO, I did not watch her last show. And, I don't even feel regret. LOL!


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