Fun Fact Friday

How is your summer going? We are having a fun, busy one so far. Many of our friends are experiencing loss, we are praying peace for their families. I know life is ever changing, but change can be so painful at times. Summer is a nice season to just un-plug & de-tox life.
So it's Fun Fact Friday. Here's a few fun facts I learned while at the zoo...

A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue.

A giraffe can go without water longer than a camel can.

A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

I hope you feel like I have given you some wisdom today. LOL Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. I do feel least for 3 seconds!

  2. Those giraffe tongues are nasty.
    I have video of a giraffe licking an animal on its privates while it pees. Gainesville Texas Zoo at its best.
    Wanna see it?! LOL.


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