In Your Neck of The Woods ~ You've Got Mail

It's been a crazy Summer.
I won't bore you with the details.
A bright spot was church camp.
Great memories being made!

 Here's what happens when you receive mail...

Yep. You get thrown in the pool.

 My youngest said, 
"Mom! I flew above the roof!"
 Love the satisfied expression on 
our Children's Pastor face :)

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  1. oh my gosh, look how high he got!!! That's crazy! I bet a good time was had by all!

  2. Looks like a good time was had by all. I have great memories of church camp!

  3. Those last 2 pictures are GREATNESS! Love that he had fun!

  4. Those pictures are just amazing. I would have been FREAKING OUT. LOL! But, I know your boys loved it. I love that that's what happens when they get mail. Too cool.

  5. My boys would love that but I would have had a heart attack if that happened to me!
    ~ Priss


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