Follow Me Back Tuesday In Your Neck of the Woods

Happy Tuesday Peeps!
I'm "guest hosting" on 
Social Media Junkie and their 

Thanks for stopping by today & I'll be visiting you very soon :)

Be sure to stop by & say "hi" to my girls over at The RHOK.
They want to know what's going on in your neck of the woods.
Link up with The RHOK today and tell them what is going on in your world.
What does that even mean?
Post a picture, story, or combination of both on your blog along with our adorable button.
Be sure to tell them 6 Happy Hearts sent ya :)

It's simple.
It's fun.
They're nosy.
So dish it.


  1. So today your a "Follow Back Girl"...gotta ring to it! LOL

  2. What's up with you and SRC? No true Neck of the Woods post?!

  3. Hmmmm I am curious about how this works...sorry I am late. I haven't opened the laptop in 2 days!@

  4. But you didn't tell us what's going on in your neck? What's up with that??

    Congrats on the guest post spot!!


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