Selfies for Business Must Stop

If I see another entrepreneur post another selfie {or selfie video} in the name of business I may puke.
Who's with me?
We all try to promote ourselves in one way or another. That is why we can spot a shameless self promoter a mile away. This is also why self promotion is very ineffective.

Here are some tips to step away from the spotlight:

  1. Look at successful entrepreneurs - they rarely hog the spotlight. They promote their customers, team members or other businesses. 
  2. Instead of posting, blogging or talking about your success make it about a customer's success.
  3. Give the project lead to a team member. Don't have a team member? Highlight the vendors who helped you make the project a success. Your graphic designer, web guy or photographer who make you look great.
As a small business owner I realize your business is a reflection of you; your talents, success & hard work. The business success relies on the owner's ability to build/promote expertise. It is very hard for some people to step out of the limelight. I challenge you in any business, project, non-profit event or Facebook page, to begin promoting the people who are working with you, the process, the message, anything, instead of you.

Helping others should be the main reason to promote others. However, you may need another reason.
If you are working with bright, successful, fantastic people their light will reflect on you. Post a pic of them next time.


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